Wednesday 18 July 2012

It's fun to stay at the YMCA

It totally is. I went for a swim last night, and am hoping to get time to squeeze one in tonight before we head off to a comedy club near Times Square.
There's a big pool, where the properly serious swimmers power up and down in highly aerodynamic get up, and where I pootled up and down in the slow lane with an ancient old man for company. There's also a smaller, much warmer pool where I floated on my back and admired the decadent 1930s tiling which covers the walls and is reminiscent of a by gone era, so that I could imagine I was living in New York in a different time (in a demure all in one striped bathing costume, obviously).
AND THEN, after I got out and was heading off for a shower, I discovered the sauna and steam room. I know!
I was, as you can imagine, practically beside myself with happiness and popped in right away and settled myself down for a good 15 minute session in the sauna. I was in full relax mode; trancing into the middle distance with only happy day dreams about New York Italians in my head (yet to find but a girl can dream). It was then that I realised I was staring at the 'YMCA: We're good for you' poster and that as a result that one (in)famous line from The Village People song was chasing it's tail round and round in my head.
'It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A. It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A'
Hmm that it may be, but chanting that to yourself all evening is less fun.
By the time we were lying in our (very comfy) bunk beds watching The Big Bang Theory on our (pretty decrapid) TV that one lyric was still rawly invading the privacy of ,y own mind and when I went to the bathroom to clean my teeth the blasted Village People came with me.
I can only hope that the irritatingly catchy and totally pointless song (actions and all) is now firmly stuck in your head too as some kind of sick schadenfreude.
All together now: 'I said young man...'


  1. Trying to keep your blog from me eh Boz Boz? It sounds amazing and I am insanely jealous but I am also SO PROUD of you. Is it cringe that i've posted on your blog? Whatevs you can't stop me... All famous people have a crazy stalker number one fan- I can be yours. xx

    1. Actually I think you'll find I'm ahead of you on the crazy No 1 fan status - but I'm willing to share.

  2. Woo two crazy fans, I am basically a celeb these days. Totally perfecting the look in NYC. Thank you Lucy, I would never try to stop you! And seriously now, WHERE DO YOU FIND TAFFY?? We can't let Johnsy down now... xx
